Crop Insurance

Benefits of Buying Crop Insurance with Southwest Georgia Farm Credit

Agriculture is a risky business: unprecedented weather and natural disasters can devastate crop yields. Successful farmers plan accordingly with a risk management strategy. Crop insurance makes for an essential element of such strategy, as the right policy enables producers to meet financial obligations—both business and professional. Our agents help you make informed decisions should adversity come your way.

  • Agriculture expertise
  • Local on-farm service
  • Commitment to agriculture and rural communities  

Why Buy Crop Insurance?

Weather and market volatility, combined with high input costs, have made it more important than ever to utilize insurance to safeguard your operation. With both federal and private products available, Southwest Georgia Farm Credit has options to help mitigate risk in both production and price. Crop insurance is one of the most cost-effective tools used to reduce risk.

Cornfield with storm clouds

What is Available?

We offer an array of federal and private products protecting you in the areas of both production and price, all with the convenience of securing your crop insurance at the same time as your farm loan or operating line of credit.

Multi-Peril Crop Insurance (MPCI)

Protects against loss of yield due to natural disasters like drought, flood, or hail. This federal program ensures that farmers can recover from reduced production or revenue shortfalls.

Livestock Risk Protection (LRP)

Provides price protection for livestock producers. This insurance helps safeguard your investment against unexpected drops in market prices for cattle, hogs, and lambs.

Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP)

Designed for dairy producers, this policy offers coverage against unexpected declines in quarterly milk prices or revenue from milk sales.

Pasture, Rangeland, Forage Coverage (PRF)

Protects against forage losses due to drought. This policy uses a rainfall index to provide compensation when precipitation in your area is below average.

Hurricane Insurance Protection-Wind Index Endorsement (HIP-WI)

Covers losses due to hurricanes or tropical storms. The policy is based on predefined wind speed measurements in your area, ensuring swift compensation.

Whole Farm Revenue Protection (WFRP)

Offers protection for the revenue of your entire farm. Ideal for diverse operations, this policy safeguards income from all commodities grown or raised on your farm.

Added Price Option (APO)

Allows producers to lock in a higher price for their insured crops, offering additional revenue protection above standard levels.

Added Revenue Price Option (ARPO)

Extends your revenue coverage by providing higher guarantees, helping manage risks from volatile markets or unexpected production costs.

Revenue Protection Policy (RPP)

Combines yield protection and price protection to safeguard both the quantity and value of your crops. It adjusts coverage based on market fluctuations.

Supplemental Coverage Option (SCO)

Provides additional area-based coverage on top of your underlying crop insurance policy, helping cover shallow losses.

Enhanced Coverage Option (ECO)

Offers even higher levels of area-based coverage, protecting against significant losses not covered by traditional crop insurance policies.

Yield Protection Policy (YPP)

Yield Protection is a multi-peril crop insurance plan that provides protection against production shortfalls due to insects, disease, and weather-related events.

And More

Southwest Georgia Farm Credit also provides tailored solutions for unique risk management needs. Contact us to explore additional options.

Ready to get started?

Call or email our crop insurance agents today.  

Ragan Brown
Ragan Brown
Crop Insurance Agent
Matthew Burch
Matthew Burch
Crop Insurance Agent

Know Your Crop Insurance Deadlines

Staying informed about crop insurance deadlines is essential for protecting your operation and maximizing your coverage. Be proactive and ensure you don’t miss important dates that could affect your eligibility.

Disclaimer: Southwest Georgia Farm Credit is an equal opportunity provider. In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA (not all bases apply to all programs).