Here We Grow: Episode 19

2023 Fall Weather & Harvest Outlook
Episode 19 of HERE WE GROW welcomes a fantastic lineup of experts willing to share their fall forecasts and insights to the 2023 harvest season. This episode features commentary by Climatologist, Pam Knox, Peanut Agronomist Scott Monfort, and Cotton Economist Dr. Don Shurley!
Pam Knox: Pam Knox is the Director of the University of Georgia Weather Network, a group of 88 automated weather stations across the state which provide weather and climate data to farmers, utilities, Extension agents and private citizens. The network also helps support the National Weather Service by providing real-time weather information in hazardous weather outbreaks to support public safety initiatives. She is an Extension Climatologist in the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences specializing in agriculture and climate change and is a past Assistant State Climatologist for Georgia and has also served as the Wisconsin State Climatologist. Pam is currently serving as an author for the upcoming 5th National Climate Assessment on Southeastern climate.
Scott Monfort: Scott Monfort is the Extension Peanut Agronomist at the UGA Tifton Campus in Tifton, Georgia. Scott joined the UGA Extension Peanut Team on August 1, 2014. His primary focus area is the Development of cost-effective crop management systems including cultivar evaluation, tillage systems, Precision Ag Technologies in peanut. He earned the BSA and MS in Plant Pathology at the University of Georgia and the Ph.D. in Plant Science from the University of Arkansas.
Dr. Don Shurley: Don is a retired University of Georgia cotton economist. He spent 28 years on the UGA Tifton Campus. He has continued his cotton work through industry sponsorships, contracts and grants, consulting, print and on-line media, and invited presentations. With 33 years’ experience in cotton, Don is widely considered by industry and peers as one of nations leading cotton experts. He is recipient of some of the University of Georgia and College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences highest awards for public service and outreach. Don also teaches ½ time at ABAC teaching commodity marketing and agricultural policy.
Southwest Georgia Farm Credit is an equal opportunity lender. NMLS 691477. The views and opinions expressed are those of the guest speakers and do not necessarily reflect the policy or position of Southwest Georgia Farm Credit or the Farm Credit System. No information contained in this podcast shall constitute financial, investment, legal, and/or other professional advice. For questions about the podcast, please contact Southwest Georgia Farm Credit Marketing Manager, Anna Kinchen, at 229-493-0921 or Please visit our website to learn more at