Wiregrass Land & Living

Anna Kinchen

A Potter's Paradise

Sowega Yonder South of Columbus, Georgia, and 35 miles East of the Alabama state line lies Weston, Georgia, with a population of 2,390. The beautiful topography fades from flat farmland and timber...

Anna Kinchen

Leveling the Gun Range

History Although the shotgun knows no gender, it might appear a little out of place in the petite hands of a woman. But what woman isn’t admired just as much for her grace as her grit? Maybe your eyes...

Miranda Walden

Barndominium Escape

From a young age, Ben Giddens had his sights on becoming a landowner. Growing up in Leon County, FL, he had a modest and humble upbringing. He had a passion for the outdoors and loved to hunt and fish...

Anna Kinchen

Do you enjoy fruits, vegetables, and nuts, along with a variety of options at your grocery store? If so, you can thank a special kind of pollinator, the honeybee, for diversifying America’s dinner...

Liz Nogowski

The wooden A-Frame building sits on Highway 520 in Weston, Georgia, almost halfway between Columbus and Albany. In fact, it’s the only stop on that long stretch of road—a road lined with pecan trees...

Kristen Traugh

Most of us have fond memories around ponds. Maybe we remember the chase for elusive trophy bass or hollering for help to grumbling adults when fishing lines became tangled in tree branches. Either way...

Kristen Traugh

There is many a Southerner’s heart that quickens at the sound of a turkey gobbling in our Georgia woods. If that describes you, then you are certainly not alone. Every year, over two million turkey...

A Hunter's Trophy wiregrass article image

“Trophy buck.” The term is tossed around loosely in the deer hunting community all the time. Except, what is a trophy buck? There is a great deal of misconception when it comes to this term. To one...

Do you have plans to host a summer get-together? The best way to blow your guest away is by learning the art of a Southern charcuterie board. Get your boards out, go outside, and enjoy the delicious...

Kristen Traugh

As South Georgians, we are privileged to live in places that have as many stories attached to the land as Cypress knees in the marshes. Lake Seminole is one big story that has affected the lives of...

Anna Kinchen

Fowl Play A hail call breaks the morning quiet, followed by a whisper of distant wings. The boy sharply inhales and then turns a discerning eye and the barrel of his gun upwards to match the gaze of...