Get Your Barndo Here! See this article in the 2023 Spring Issue of Wiregrass Land & Living Magazine! Just over yonder, where the hill rolls gently into a valley, and before the tree line breaks, sits...

A church group across the river had a fish fry last Saturday. It tickled me to be invited, and I wasted no time getting there. A picturesque drive connects our yard to the church yard. It’s a graveled...

If you want to fry chicken, you use a cast-iron skillet. If you want to bake a cobbler, you use a cast-iron skillet. And if you want the most buttery, fluffiest, melt-in-your-mouth biscuit -you...

INGREDIENTS • 1/2 cup butter, softened, plus extra for greasing pan • 1 cup granulated sugar • 3 large eggs • 1 cup all-purpose flour • 1/2 teaspoon salt • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder • 1 teaspoon...

In agriculture today we run global businesses locally. We feed the world yet, grow, enliven, and live in small rural communities. We tend to value legacy, family, God, and country. Most farmers would...
Jeb Johnson, 32, of Cairo, Georgia, is a fifth-generation dairy farmer who operates Johnson Ranch, a dairy on 600 acres, with his father. Although no two days on the dairy are the same, Jeb along with...

Along Georgia Highway 84 in Iron City sits The Peach Depot, a historic landmark and community staple built for the purpose of providing fresh produce to locals and travelers alike. The Peach Depot was...

The life of Tarrell Bennett: Ag Expert, Farmer, Confidant, Lender, and Consultant. He sits behind a large desk, in a corner office in the Bainbridge headquarters of Southwest Georgia Farm Credit. A...

Roasted Quail & Fingerling Potatoes Ingredients: 4 whole dressed quail 2 small white onions 4-6 branches of fresh rosemary 8-10 fingerling potatoes Dry mustard White wine (I suggest Sauvignon Blanc)...

“I’ve learned if you wait for perfect weather, you’ll never plant. And if you watch every cloud, you’ll never harvest.” - Storm Tabb Located in the heart of our Southwest Georgia region, you will find...

A pitchfork plunges deep in the dirt. As the handle is gently lowered, you hear a series of popping sounds, tiny tentacles splitting apart. The fork’s prongs are lifted to reveal a clump of thumb...

South Georgia bladesmith expert, Bob Stott, was born in the small town of Potgietersrus South Africa, now known as Makopane. I knew he was a storyteller 10 minutes into our ninety-minute call. His...

A true southern artist with a rich history in agriculture captures the essence and charm of Georgia Grown commodities through painting. She reflects on her childhood growing up in Adel, Georgia...

I WAS RAISED UP BENEATH THE SHADE OF A GEORGIA PINE. AND THAT’S HOME, YOU KNOW? — ZAC BROWN BAND Ever wondered what’s behind those green and white, diamond-shaped signs peering out of piney woods...

Her name was Babe and she taught Caleb Horton everything he needs to know about dog training. It was the summer of 2005 and Horton was a college sophomore. He took a part-time job training gun dogs at...